Saturday, July 11, 2015

Thriller Hands!!! A Dynamic Way to Receive a Pass

The Overview:

Exhibit A
What does the 1982 hit "Thriller" and catching a rugby ball have in common. Its all about the layered hands or, the thiller hands! One of the most iconic moments in the music video is when MJ and his zombie dancers throw their hands out to the side and shimmy to the left before coming back to right, here. This small movement in a very large video gives you the tools to help explain the concept of layered hands while receiving a pass by giving the technique a pop culture reference.  The pop culture reference is important because it breaks up the normal pattern of learning by adding entertainment value which will help with skill retention. 

Exhibit B
Exhibit C
This isn't the only way to catch a pass either, its just another way. The old tried and true methods like the 'W', as illustrated by RZA from the Wu-Tang Clan here, or the 'Diamond" as shown by pro wrestler turned master yogi Diamond Dallas Page. Both of these techniques still have a place in the game, especially at youth level, and should be coached to new players and practiced until mastered. The thriller hands are great for experience players who might be hitting a plateau in their development or for back line players who's attack systems are designed around getting the ball out fast. It should be taught to the whole squad as well since it will help forwards who find themselves in space to become more of a threat. Regardless of how you coach it just make sure you're coaching it. To many of us focus on passing the ball and pay very little attention to the process of catching it.

The Goal:

Create a quick transferable ball by positioning hands to make a pass before the reception.

The Concept:

The concept behind the thriller hands is to have the player's hands position to quickly receive and distribute the ball without having to waste time re-gripping for proper hand placement. Following the three panel sequence of photos we can break down the process...

***The pass is coming from the photos left side and being passed to the right***

#1- Position your power hand (hand at the back of the ball) in front of the guide hand (hand at the front of the ball). keep them open and pointed towards the player passing the ball.

#2- Catch the ball with your fingertips. The ball should be landing in your hands in such a matter that you should be able to transfer it quickly across the body with minimal hand movement to make the pass. 

#3- You should be transferring the ball  quickly across the body and firing it into a pass with fingers pointed at your target.

Looking at the hands from the passer perspective

Focus on these key factors:

Izzy's thriller hands
1. Are the catching the ball and bringing it straight across the body? No dip?

2. How much is the ball moving in the transfer? Are they struggling to get a handle on it?

3. Are the passing leaving their hands ugly? If so, it could be a problem in their passing process.

There is tons of room in how you want to coach this to your players. Don't move on until they have mastered those 3 key area and once they do start looking at moving the back hand closer/farther. Also, what should the feet be doing? How about the eyes immediately after the catch? 

What do you think about the thriller hands? Will it help or hurt your players? I would love to hear your comments below.