Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Basic Drill of the Week: Open the Hips

***Sorry our post have been so spotty lately, we are in season at the moment***

This is a quick, easy options for teaching players how to open the hips. You are giving them a physical reaction to what it feels like to have proper footwork while passing. I've used this with both pops and spin passes and can be adjusted to fit your style of coaching those techniques.

- 2 cones
- 2 balls
- 2 players

- 2 cones set-up 5-8m apart
- 1 ball sitting on the ground at the farthest cone 

- Two players, one with the ball the other in support, releases from the near cone
- The ball carrier looks to open his hips with a step towards the support with his lead foot (passing left, his left foot would be his lead)
- Ball Carrier's back foot (i.e. passing left, his right foot would be the back) should come around to nudge the ball on the ground. This completes the opening of the hips.

- You can start without the ball on the ground to highlight players passing over their thigh and poor footwork.
- Make sure you have players work on passing from both sides of the cone, so they work both hands.
- Build-up to ball carrier and support player attacking a defender to see skill in game situations. 

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Basic Drill of the Week: Four Corner Keep Away

This game can be used for either a warm-up or in practice. The goal is to allow players to create/find space and make quick decisions on when to pass. Add a time limit to it and challenge players to see how many times they can get it around the square.

- 9 cones
- 1 ball
- 4 players each team (8 total)

- 4 10mX10m grids

- On The whistle, players look to pass the ball counter/clockwise to their team mates
- Defense can only play a 'basketball' style of D
- Passing players must stay in the grid

Key Factors:
- Fast passes
- Move to create space
- Communicate your movements
- Have fun

- Add a time limit
- Penalize teams for dropped passes
- Put a time limit on how long a player can hold the ball